lunedì 30 novembre 2009

Cose che fan bene al cuore...

Spulciando la mailing list de iMille sono capitato su quest'analisi tragicamente lucida* dell'Italia, vista da New York: 
 "In any event, wherever Italy goes these days, the Democratic Party in its present form is unlikely to be leading the way."
"Gianfranco Fini, current president of the Chamber of Deputies (the lower house of the Italian parliament), far and away the most capable politician in circulation"
"The left can match Tremonti's economic expertise with Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa, who served as minister of finance under the last government of Romano Prodi; but there is no one capable of matching Fini's finesse, least of all Walter Veltroni, the founder and first secretary of the Democratic Party " 
E' un articolo lunghetto, ma vale la pena leggerlo. 

*Per quanto caschi nell'inevitabile citazione di "Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa, who distilled the paradox of modern Italy: "If we want everything to stay as it is, everything has to change!" 
(Tanto per ribadire che se il XXI secolo non e' ancora arrivato, pure il XX ha ancora qualcosina da sbrigare...) 

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